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Stein Counseling

Lisa Stein,LCSW

Lisa Stein LCSW Photo


Lisa Stein has been a Licensed Psychotherapist for over 15 years, and specializes in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) which is a technique that can help treat “little t” trauma (eg: car accident, witnessing a disturbing event, phobias) and “Big T” trauma (eg: rape, assault, earthquake or natural disaster victim, abduction). It is evidence-based approach that can provide rapid relief from bodily disturbances and unpleasant memories.


Lisa has been trained in EMDR through The Nefesh Institute by Roy Kiessling and obtained certification with the guidance of Bruce Patterson. She graduated with a Masters from Adelphi University and sees adults- 18 and older in her private practice in Great Neck, NY. She can be found on the Psychology Today website, and on the EMDRIA website as a certified EMDR clinician. The EMDRIA certification program ensures that a clinician has received thorough, high quality training in EMDR and possesses the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful and effective EMDR practitioner.

Psychology Today
Main Focuses:


Chronic Illness




Panic Attacks


Sexual Abuse


Work Related Injury

Thinking Man on Couch

What to expect:

The first session with any therapist can be a bit daunting. I will do my utmost to make sure you feel comfortable and set your mind at ease. We will have interactive conversations in order to help you move forward. I will help guide you to help you visualize your goals. You will learn how to determine the best and most necessary steps in order to achieve them for yourself. I have a strong belief in holistic healing. An untapped potential to heal, to overcome, and to excel, lies within each of us.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:

PTSD can be frightening. The memories of the event can linger and victims often have vivid flashbacks. Usually victims try to avoid people, objects, and situations that remind them of their hurtful experiences. This behavior can be debilitating and can prevent one from living their life meaningfully and authentically. Many victims try to forget the details of the incident either consciously or subconsciously in an attempt to lessen the blow. This coping mechanism can have negative consequences as well. The memories can get “stuck” and not processed properly into long term memory. If you don’t think about it, it can’t effect you, right? This is not the case. Traumatic events that are not processed fully can crop up again and can even manifest themselves in bodily ailments. The unexplained constant headaches, stomach aches, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, dizziness, may be due to the trauma now being expressed through the body. The anxiety you are feeling tends to stem from someplace. The feeling of “I’m not good enough” can often cause the anxiety. This can be worked on through EMDR. With EMDR you will realize you are not “crazy”, irreversibly damaged, or a bad person. While what happened to you in the past cannot be changed, you can learn to live more fully in the present, and with proper reprocessing the memories will no longer hold the same charge for you. People often experience healing with EMDR and they will often say that after EMDR, when trying to remember the distress, it feels finally in the past. Something DID happen, but it no longer has the same relevance or importance in one’s current life. The relief coming from these resolutions is profound and lasting.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR):


Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma and other psychological issues. However compared to other therapies EMDR is not a traditional talk therapy. Instead EMDR is a set of standardized protocols which helps reprocess memories that were unresolved and “locked” in the brain. These memories become frozen in time, if you will, and will need to be integrated and reprocessed to facilitate healing. With the use of EMDR it is believed that the right and left brain are now able to communicate with one another (emotional and logical), and with this reprocessing the old core negative beliefs will be worked out.

Emotion Always Has Its Roots In The Unconscious And Manifests Itself In The Body

Emotion Always Has Its Roots In The Unconscious And Manifests Itself In The Body

Life Is Ten Percent What Happens To You and Ninety Percent How You React To It

Life Is Ten Percent What Happens To You and Ninety Percent How You React To It

You Can't Go Back And Change The Beginning But You Can Start Where You Are and Change The Ending

You Can't Go Back And Change The Beginning But You Can Start Where You Are and Change The Ending

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